The Dot Net framework has various parts that together make it the strong foundation it is today. We shall learn about its various parts in this piece and how they benefit us. For those unaware, the Dot Net framework is a platform for developing and running web, console, Windows, and services-based applications utilizing the programming languages C#, F#, and VB.Net, among many others. It utilises Windows and is based on Object-Oriented Programming. In other words, Windows systems host the programs built using the Dot Net framework.
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Components of Dot Net Frameworks
Common Type System (CTS)
The CLR declares, employs, and manages types through the common type system. They are essential to the integration of different languages. CTS provides type safety, high-performance code execution, and language definition rules. Also, it provides basic data kinds (boolean, byte, int32, char, uInt64).
In Dot Net, every type is either a value type or a reference type. Value types are data types where the objects accurately reflect the value of the actual thing. Reference types, on the other hand, are objects that referrers to by a reference to their real value. In contrast to value types, when a reference type is assign to a variable, the object’s original value is given rather than a copy to create.
Common Language Specification (CLS)
When codes of several programming languages are based on the, CLS is useful. The same solution makes reference to the Net framework. There are many different programming languages. The background is a net. For instance, every programming language has its unique syntax, such as C#, F#, VB Dot Net, etc.
Think about a scenario where we write two C# methods, one with Pascal casing and the other with camel casing. This code is legitimate. Additionally, if a VB Dot Net project is add to the same solution and it refers to a C# project, errors will be generated.
Common Language Runtime (CLR)
The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is an open-source runtime system. Net framework, which offers a setting in which all.Net programmes can be executed. The source code is converted to a Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) and then to CLR in two steps employs JIT compilers to convert MSIL code to native code. It aids in the conversion of source code to native code. The source code is translated into MSIL code using more than 15 language compilers.
Memory management, thread management, and exception handling are handled by CLR. Memory management is handled by CLR’s garbage collector (GC), which clears out-of-scope items from memory.
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Base Class Library (BCL)
Many frequently used functions are encapsulate in the base class library and are accessible to developers. They serve as the starting point for all.NET class libraries because they are the fundamental kinds. On top of BCL, application-specific libraries will creates.
They are creates with broad implementations that follow high-performance guidelines like low latency, fast throughput, little memory utilisation, and little CPU usage. The basic class library includes functions like ADO.Net, XML processing, Threading, Security, Diagnosis, etc.
A portion of Framework Class Library is BCL. Classes from namespaces like System, System. Data, System. Diagnostics, System. Resources, System. Globalization, System. Text, System. Runtime. Serialization, etc.
So far, we have discussed the different components of Dot NET Framework. To learn how to write code in Visual Basic and C#, develop ASP.NET web apps and web process forms, and access them using Dot Net from professionals join Dot Net Training in Coimbatore with the best training and Placement Assistance.