How Does MVC Architecture Work in Java?

How Does MVC Architecture Work in Java?

MVC Training In Chennai

Java applications frequently employ the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture design pattern to separate issues, enhance maintainability, and encourage code reuse. It offers a systematic strategy for creating scalable and well-structured applications. Although there are many ways to build MVC in Java, one popular method is to use JavaServer Faces (JSF) as the web framework. This blog will discuss “How Does MVC Architecture Work in Java?”. Enrol in MVC Training In Chennai at FITA Academy and acquire knowledge and valid MVC certification.


The Model in Java applications that use the MVC framework represents the application’s data and business logic. It contains Java classes for performing calculations, interacting with databases, and implementing the programme’s main features. The Model is in charge of storing, manipulating, and retrieving data. Model classes are frequently utilised as JavaBeans or JPA entities.

Consider a straightforward e-commerce application as an example. Classes that represent products, customers, and orders could be included in the Model. These classes will have methods for applying business rules, validating user input, and retrieving and updating data from the database.


The View in the MVC architecture is in charge of presenting the user interface. JavaServer Faces (JSF) components, which provide a component-based UI framework, are often used to construct the View in Java applications. Developers can define user interface elements like buttons, forms, tables, and more using the set of tags provided by JSF.

To define the View, programmers build XHTML pages using JSF components. The rendering of the data supplied by the Model to the end users is the responsibility of these pages. The construction of reusable and uniform UI elements is made possible by JSF’s support for templates and composite components.

In our e-commerce example, the View might include XHTML pages displaying product listings, shopping carts, and user account details. When a user interacts with these pages, the View communicates with the Controller to handle user input and update the Model accordingly.


In the MVC architecture, the Controller is an interface between the Model and the View. The Model is updated as a result of the user’s actions after it analyses user input from the View. The Controller is implemented in Java applications utilising managed beans in JSF. You can join MVC Course In Chennai and learn all the aspects of MVC.

Java classes that define the flow of the programme and handle user interactions are known as managed beans. They have methods that react to actions taken by users, such as button clicks and form submissions. According to the user’s activities, the Controller navigates to various Views, executes business logic, and updates the Model.

Workflow of MVC architecture in Java with JSF

  • User Interaction: The user interacts with the View, such as clicking buttons, filling in forms, or navigating through pages.
  • Controller Action: The View sends the user input to the Controller through events or method calls.
  • Data Processing: The Controller receives the user input and interacts with the Model accordingly. It may update the Model’s data, invoke business logic methods, or retrieve data from the Model.
  • Model Update: The Model updates its state or data based on the actions taken by the Controller.
  • View Rendering: The Controller selects an appropriate View (XHTML page) to display to the user.
  • User Interface Update: The View renders the data received from the Controller, updating the user interface to reflect the modifications made to the Model.

Hope you would have understood “How Does MVC Architecture Work in Java?”. MVC architecture in Java, particularly with JSF, provides a robust and structured approach to building web applications. By separating concerns into Model, View, and Controller components, developers can create maintainable, scalable, and user-friendly applications in Java. To learn MVC, join MVC Classes In Chennai and become an expert in MVC.